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Orange Creamsicle Bites

Sweet, salty, crunchy and chewy all in one dessert? You can add nostalgia to that list because these easy no bake orange creamsicle bites are calling all sweet tooth’s to the party!!!

Crafted with love and a dash of nostalgia, these delightful bites are more than just a snack; they’re an invitation to reminisce and revel in the flavors of childhood. Inspired by my childhood memories of orange creamsicles, these no bake bites are so pretty, and delicious and really do tick all of my creamsicle dreams boxes! This version perfectly blends the creamy, citrusy essence of the classic frozen treat with the innovative twist of being vegan, gluten-free, and absolutely scrumptious. 

Each bite of these Orange Creamsicle Bites is a journey back to those carefree, sun-drenched days, with the ideal mix of sweet vegan white chocolate, salty popcorn for that irresistible sweet-salty contrast, crunchy almonds for bite, chewy marshmallows for softness, and a sprinkle of floral dehydrated orange for that bright, aromatic lift. I promise you these bites are addictive and if you introduce some to friends – they will be back for more!! Let’s get into this recipe!

Ingredients for Orange Creamsicle Bites

  • Popcorn: serves as the heart of this recipe, offering a blend of sweet and salty. The choice of orange dreamsicle-flavored popcorn introduces a fun twist, infusing each bite with a citrusy, creamy undertone. However, the versatility of this recipe means even regular air-popped salted popcorn can serve as an excellent base.
  • Vegan White Chocolate: The creamy, dreamy binding ingredient that does the tough job of holding it all together. Its rich sweetness perfectly complements the other elements, creating a luscious texture that melts in your mouth.
  • Slivered Almonds: Add an irresistible crunch to the mix, enhancing the overall sensory experience of the Orange Creamsicle Bites. The almonds’ subtle nuttiness pairs wonderfully with the creamy and fruity flavors, but they’re also interchangeable with other nuts or seeds. Chopped almonds, cashews, or even pumpkin seeds for those with nut allergies can be excellent alternatives, ensuring everyone can enjoy this delightful treat.
  • Vegan Marshmallows: Bring a chewy, soft texture that contrasts beautifully with the crunch of almonds and the crispness of popcorn. Brands like Dandies offer a vegan marshmallow that’s as delicious as it is ethical.
  • Coconut Oil: The partner to the vegan white chocolate, this secret ingredient that not only contributes healthy fats but also ensures the white chocolate mixture achieves a smooth, velvety consistency. 
  • Dehydrated Orange Slices: The floral and citrusy brightness they bring is unmatched, offering a pop of color and a burst of flavor that ties the creamsicle concept together.

How to Make Orange Creamsicle Bites

Begin making your Orange Creamsicle Bites by combining the salty popcorn, crunchy slivered almonds, and soft, chewy marshmallows in a large mixing bowl. In another bowl, blend the creamy vegan white chocolate with a touch of coconut oil, a duo that promises smoothness and a melt-in-your-mouth experience. Carefully heat this mixture in the microwave in 30-second bursts or double boil, stirring between each interval until you achieve a silky melt.

Once the chocolate is perfectly melted and smooth, pour it generously over the popcorn mixture, ensuring every nook and cranny is coated in this creamy delight. Stir the mixture well to combine, making sure each element gets its fair share of chocolatey goodness. Spoon this mixture into your chosen molds, pressing gently to ensure they’re well packed. The final flourish involves a sprinkle of crushed dehydrated orange on top, adding a burst of citrusy sweetness that elevates these bites from great to unforgettable. Place the molds in the refrigerator to set. Once firm, pop the bites out of the molds and enjoy! Remember, any leftovers (though unlikely!) should be stored in the refrigerator. You can use the molds that I used by shopping here

Why I Love No Bake Desserts

No-bake desserts, like these Orange Creamsicle Bites, hold a special place in my heart for their simplicity and convenience. They’re perfect for those moments when the craving for something sweet strikes but the thought of turning on the oven feels like too much. Plus, no-bake treats often involve less clean-up, leaving more time to savor the creations with friends and family. These treats also taste good, aside from the easy preparation they are so delicious and really addictive! Sometimes you just want all the sugar and all the textures and this snack really ticks those boxes while still being a little less indulgent than some other snacks!

How to Store These No Bake Treats

Keeping your Orange Creamsicle Bites fresh and delicious is simple – store them in the refrigerator. This not only maintains their firmness and flavor but also extends their shelf life, ensuring you have a sweet, savory, and crunchy treat on hand whenever the craving hits.

Other No Bake Treats to Try!

Citrus No Bake Vegan Mini Cheesecake Roses

Birthday Cake Cookie Dough Balls

Chocolate Covered Raspberries And Cashew Hearts

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Meet Claire

Welcome to Claire Bear Bites! Here is where we have the most amount of fun with food. I’m an silly, quirky Aussie living in LA, creating and loving bright, colorful, healthy and delicious plant based meals.

This deliciously colorful meals are a direct reflection of me and my love for experimenting. Food should make you happy, smile and make you do a weird lil happy dance cause it taste so dang good. Life can be stressful but your food doesn’t need to be! Let’s have fun and eat the rainbow!

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Orange Creamsicle Bites 

Sweet, salty, crunchy and chewy all in one dessert? You can add nostalgia to that list because these easy no bake orange creamsicle bites are calling all sweet tooth’s to the party!!!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American, Vegan
Servings 12


  • silicone mold


  • orange dreamsicle popcorn, or any air popped salted popcorn you have, crushed
  • 12 oz vegan white chocolate chips
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 cup slivered almonds
  • ¾ cup mini vegan marshmallows


  • Add your popcorn, slivered almonds and marshmallows to a bowl.
  • In a separate bowl, add the white chocolate, and coconut oil.
  • Heat the chocolate in the microwave in 30 second increments until melted and smooth.
  • Pour the white chocolate mix over the dry ingredients and mix well.
  • Spoon the mixture into moulds of choice and sprinkle with crushed dehydrated orange (game changer! So good)
  • Refrigerate until set, pop out of the moulds and enjoy!!


Best stored in the refrigerator!
Keyword creamsicle, dairy free, easy dessert, gluten free, no bake, white chocolate

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Meet Claire

Welcome to Claire Bear Bites! Here is where we have the most amount of fun with food. I’m an silly, quirky Aussie living in LA, creating and loving bright, colorful, healthy and delicious plant based meals.

This deliciously colorful meals are a direct reflection of me and my love for experimenting. Food should make you happy, smile and make you do a weird lil happy dance cause it taste so dang good. Life can be stressful but your food doesn’t need to be! Let’s have fun and eat the rainbow!

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