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Sweet and Spicy Carrot Soup 

This Sweet and Spicy Carrot Soup combines the natural sweetness of carrots roasted to perfection with a symphony of spices that add depth and warmth to every bite. Vegan butter brings a smooth richness, while the homemade veggie broth ensures every ingredient sings in harmony. Topped with sautéed mushrooms and crispy ginger, this soup is a celebration of textures and flavors that will leave you feeling nourished and satisfied.

Sweet and Spicy Carrot Soup: A Cozy Delight for the Holiday Season

As the chill of the season wraps around us, there’s nothing quite like the warmth of a homemade soup to make our hearts smile. My Sweet and Spicy Carrot Soup is a silky, aromatic blend that promises to be your new favorite cuddle in a bowl. With its perfect balance of sweet, savory, and spicy flavors, topped with the irresistible crunch of fried ginger strands, this soup is not just a bowl of soup; it’s a seasonal necessity! 

What you will need to make this soup

  • Carrots: Carrots are not only rich in beta-carotene, which is excellent for eye health, but their natural sweetness also deepens when roasted, giving the soup its delightful sweet base.

  • Extra-Virgin Olive Oil: Olive oil is known for its heart-healthy fats. Using it both in the roasting process and for sautéing adds a subtle richness to the soup without overwhelming the flavors.

  • Sea Salt: Sea salt contains trace minerals and can enhance the natural flavors of the ingredients, making each taste more pronounced and balanced.

  • Onion: Onions are a fantastic source of antioxidants and add a depth of flavor to the soup, creating a savory backdrop that complements the sweetness of the carrots.

  • Cloves Garlic: Garlic not only boosts the immune system but also adds a pungent depth to the soup, enriching its flavor profile with each spoonful.

  • Turmeric: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric adds a warm, earthy flavor and a beautiful golden color, contributing to the soup’s visual appeal.

  • Ground Coriander: Coriander adds a hint of citrusy, floral notes to the soup, subtly enhancing the complexity of its flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

  • Ground Cumin: Cumin brings a warm, earthy spice that complements the sweetness of the carrots and the richness of the soup, adding layers to its overall taste.

  • Cayenne: Just a pinch can significantly boost metabolism. Cayenne pepper adds a gentle heat that wakes up the palate, perfectly balancing the soup’s sweet and savory notes.

  • Veggie Broth: Using homemade or high-quality veggie broth not only contributes to the soup’s nutritional value but also infuses it with a rich, umami depth.

  • Water: Helps to achieve the desired consistency while ensuring the soup is hydrating and light.

  • Vegan Butter: Vegan butter adds a smooth, creamy texture to the soup, making it luxuriously silky without the use of dairy.

  • Freshly Ground Black Pepper: Black pepper enhances the absorption of turmeric’s beneficial compounds and adds a slight bite that contrasts beautifully with the creamy texture of the soup.

  • Ginger: Ginger adds a zesty, warm kick and aids in digestion. When fried into crispy strands, it provides a delightful textural contrast as a topping.

  • Button Mushrooms: Mushrooms are not only a low-calorie source of fiber, protein, and antioxidants but also add an earthy flavor and meaty texture that complements the creamy soup.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe:

From the first spoonful, this Sweet and Spicy Carrot Soup envelops you in its comforting warmth, making it the perfect dish for cold evenings. The roasting process enhances the carrots’ natural sweetness, which is beautifully complemented by the carefully selected spices. The addition of crispy ginger and sautéed mushrooms not only adds a delightful crunch but also elevates the soup to a gourmet experience. Whether you’re a seasoned soup lover or looking for a new recipe to brighten up your holiday meals, this carrot soup promises to be a crowd-pleaser.

How to Make Sweet and Spicy Carrot Soup:

  1. Roast the Carrots: Begin by preheating your oven to 375°F. Peel and chop the carrots into even-sized pieces, toss them with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and sea salt, and roast for 25-30 minutes until they’re cooked through and caramelized around the edges.

  2. Sauté the Base: In a large pot, heat the remaining olive oil over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and minced garlic, seasoning with a bit of salt, and sauté until the onions are slightly translucent. Stir in the ground coriander, cumin, turmeric, and a pinch of cayenne, cooking until fragrant.

  3. Simmer the Soup: Add the roasted carrots to the pot along with the veggie broth and water. Let the mixture simmer for about 15 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld beautifully.

  4. Prepare the Toppings: While the soup simmers, fry the thinly sliced ginger in olive oil until crispy and sauté the mushrooms until browned. Set aside these toppings for serving.

  5. Blend to Perfection: Once the soup has simmered, let it cool slightly before blending it with vegan butter until it reaches a smooth and silky consistency. Warm the blended soup through before serving.

  6. Serve with Love: Ladle the soup into bowls, topping each with the crispy ginger, sautéed mushrooms, and a crack of black pepper. Serve immediately and enjoy the comforting, spicy embrace of this delightful carrot soup.

Whether you’re winding down from a day of winter adventures or simply seeking solace in a bowl of something delicious, this Sweet and Spicy Carrot Soup is here to fill your home with holiday cheer and your belly with contentment. Enjoy, my beauties, and let this soup be a reminder of the simple joys that good food can bring.

Picture of Meet Claire

Meet Claire

Welcome to Claire Bear Bites! Here is where we have the most amount of fun with food. I’m an silly, quirky Aussie living in LA, creating and loving bright, colorful, healthy and delicious plant based meals.

This deliciously colorful meals are a direct reflection of me and my love for experimenting. Food should make you happy, smile and make you do a weird lil happy dance cause it taste so dang good. Life can be stressful but your food doesn’t need to be! Let’s have fun and eat the rainbow!

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Sweet and Spicy Carrot Soup

Soup season has my lil heart so smiley! There is nothing like a cozy warm, silky smooth soup dinner in the lead up to chrissy! Save this one for later my peeps cos this carrot beauty is bugs bunny approved and that perfect sweet savory spicy cuddle we all need right now! Topped with crunchy fried ginger strands. Let's get it!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Course dinner, lunch, Soup
Cuisine Vegan
Servings 2


  • oven



  • 2 pounds carrots
  • 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil divided
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic minced
  • ¼ tsp turmeric I used @originenaturals
  • ¼ tsp ground coriander
  • ¼ tsp ground cumin
  • pinch of cayenne
  • 4 cups veggie broth
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tbsp vegan butter
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 small knob of ginger
  • button mushrooms


  • Let’s roast these carrots up! Preheat your oven to 375 then Peel and chop carrots into even sized pieces and add to a baking tray with 2 tbsp of your olive oil and sea salt. Roast for 25- 30 mins. Until thoroughly cooked and caramelized around the edges.
  • In a large pot. Add your remaining oil, salt, garlic and onion and sauté till onions become slightly translucent.
  • Then add your coriander, cayenne, cumin and tumeric and cook until fragrant. Just a minute or so. Add your water, broth and carrots and simmer for 15 mins to give the flavors time to develop.
  • While the soup simmers, slice your ginger into fine strips and set aside.
  • In a pan, heat 2 tbsp olive oil and fry your ginger until crisp! Remove the strand from the oil and set aside on a paper towel ready for serving.
  • In the same pan add your mushroom. Sauté till brown and set aside for serving.
  • Once the soup is ready, Remove from heat and let cool slightly before adding to a blender with your vegan butter. Blend until smooth and silky. Return soup to your pot. Warm through and serve immediately. Enjoy my beauties!!
Keyword dairy free, gluten free, healthy, plant based soup, vegan

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Picture of Meet Claire

Meet Claire

Welcome to Claire Bear Bites! Here is where we have the most amount of fun with food. I’m an silly, quirky Aussie living in LA, creating and loving bright, colorful, healthy and delicious plant based meals.

This deliciously colorful meals are a direct reflection of me and my love for experimenting. Food should make you happy, smile and make you do a weird lil happy dance cause it taste so dang good. Life can be stressful but your food doesn’t need to be! Let’s have fun and eat the rainbow!

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