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Mango Colada Smoothie

If you're looking for a smoothie that tastes like a cocktail but gives you a boost of natural, clean energy then look no further! This Mango Colada Smoothie is gluten free, dairy free, delicious and all plant based. Filled with wholesome ingredients this smoothie is perfect for breakfast, a mid-day pick-me-up or just after a gym session.

Mango Pina Colada Smoothie: A Tropical Vacation in Every Sip

This Mango Pina Colada Smoothie is not just a drink; it’s a vibrant escape to tropical paradise, blending the sweet allure of mangoes with the creamy richness of coconut milk, all while introducing the nutty goodness of walnuts into the mix. This unique recipe offers a twist on the classic pina colada, substituting pineapple with mango for an extra dose of tropical sweetness and enhancing the texture with the healthful addition of California walnuts. Ideal for anyone seeking a nutritious start to their day, a refreshing midday snack, or a delightful dessert alternative, this smoothie promises a deliciously creamy and flavorful experience. With the added zest of fresh lime and the option to garnish with mint, each sip is like a mini-vacation, full of creamy, tropical flavors and packed with nutrients to power your day.

Mango Pina Colada Ingredients

  • Walnuts: The secret to the smoothie’s creamy texture, walnuts also pack a punch of healthy fats, fiber, and iron.
  • Frozen Mango: Sweet, juicy mango replaces pineapple in this twist on the classic, adding a rich tropical flavor and a silky smoothness.
  • Small Bananas: Bananas add natural sweetness and contribute to the creamy texture of the smoothie.
  • Fresh Lime Zest: A hint of lime zest brings a zesty freshness that elevates the mango flavor.
  • Coconut Milk: The rich coconut milk mirrors the beloved taste of traditional pina coladas while adding creaminess.
  • Garnishes: A fresh slice of lime and a sprig of mint add a pop of color and a refreshing aroma to your tropical treat.

How To Make Mango Colada

Creating this Mango Pina Colada Smoothie is as easy as dreaming about your next vacation. Simply gather your ingredients, toss them into a high-speed blender, and blend away until you achieve that perfect, creamy consistency. It’s a straightforward process that leads to an extraordinary taste experience.

Notes & Tips for a Mango Pina Colada

  • Walnuts vs. Alternatives: While walnuts are my nut of choice for their nutritional profile and creamy texture, feel free to experiment with pecans or macadamia nuts for a slightly different flavor.
  • Coconut Milk Substitutes: If you’re looking to avoid coconut products, opt for a creamy nut milk like oat milk or cashew milk to maintain the smoothie’s luxurious texture.

If you’re looking for a nutrient-packed powerhouse smoothie that serves as the perfect start to your day, a refreshing snack, or even a dessert alternative then look no further! It’s your tropical escape, ready in minutes, bringing a bit of sunshine and beach vibes to your routine, no matter the weather outside. So, let’s blend up this tropical delight and take a moment to savor the flavors of vacation from the comfort of our kitchens. Here’s to a smoothie that’s not just good for the soul but also kind to the body – cheers to health, happiness, and endless summer vibes!

Picture of Meet Claire

Meet Claire

Welcome to Claire Bear Bites! Here is where we have the most amount of fun with food. I’m an silly, quirky Aussie living in LA, creating and loving bright, colorful, healthy and delicious plant based meals.

This deliciously colorful meals are a direct reflection of me and my love for experimenting. Food should make you happy, smile and make you do a weird lil happy dance cause it taste so dang good. Life can be stressful but your food doesn’t need to be! Let’s have fun and eat the rainbow!

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Mango Colada Smoothie

Move over pina coladas, there’s a new thick and creamy, vibrant and flavorful tropical drink in town! Using sweet and juicy mango instead of pineapple, and the rich coconut flavor you know and love it’s time to go a lil NUTS with the addition of the creamy, nutrient dense and nutty flavor of California walnuts. Full of healthy fats, fiber and iron, adding walnuts to smoothies is a gamechanger not only in flavor but in the rich texture it provides. This smooth and luscious smoothie is a tropical vacation in every sip and a must try addition to your breakfast routine or a perfect alternative to a cocktail!
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Breakfast, Drinks, Snack
Cuisine Vegan
Servings 2


  • blender


  • ¼ cup walnuts
  • 2 cups frozen mango
  • small bananas
  • ¼ tsp fresh lime zest
  • 8-10 oz coconut milk
  • fresh slice of lime for garnish
  • fresh mint for garnish


  • Very simply combine all ingredients into a high speed blender and blend until rich and creamy.
  • Pour into a large glass and garnish with fresh mint and a slice of lime (optional)


** I opted for walnuts, full of healthy fats, fiber and iron. I definitely recommend using walnuts but you could also substitute them for pecans or even macadamia nuts!
** If you’re trying your avoid coconut products, I’d recommend using a creamy nut milk like oat milk or cashew milk.
Keyword dairy free, easy smoothie recipe, gluten free, plant based, quick smoothie recipe, vegan smoothie

5 Responses

  1. This smoothie was so good and so easy! Tuned out the noise and pretended I was on a beach while drinking it.

  2. 5 stars
    This is a delicious and refreshing drink. It was so easy to make. Easy ingredients, that combined together give a creamy and refreshing taste. It only took few minutes to prepare and even my kids loved it! This recipe is now stored in our book of recipes and definitely one that will be making quiet often.

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Picture of Meet Claire

Meet Claire

Welcome to Claire Bear Bites! Here is where we have the most amount of fun with food. I’m an silly, quirky Aussie living in LA, creating and loving bright, colorful, healthy and delicious plant based meals.

This deliciously colorful meals are a direct reflection of me and my love for experimenting. Food should make you happy, smile and make you do a weird lil happy dance cause it taste so dang good. Life can be stressful but your food doesn’t need to be! Let’s have fun and eat the rainbow!

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