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Sunrise Citrus Mocktail

The Sunrise Citrus Mocktail is a glowing tribute to the beloved tequila sunrise, sans the alcohol! Featuring the incredibly juicy and sweet sumo citrus, paired with tangy pineapple juice and topped with all-natural lemon soda, this mocktail is a celebration of citrus in a glass; with its beautiful gradient of colors mimicking a sunrise!

Sparkling Citrus Mocktail for Brunch

Buckle up y’all because this citrus mocktail is so delicious you’ll be asking the bartender for another! Today we are mixing up this delicious non alcoholic sunrise citrus mocktail! It only takes a few minutes to put together, tastes like a dream, or a vacation and will have you feeling vibrant and ready for anything! Perfect for brunching, cute for sipping pool side or a perfect toasting alternative for those not indulging in alcoholic drinks. 

What You Will Need for This Sunrise Citrus Mockail

  • Sumo Citrus Juice: The star of the show, sumo citrus brings a unique, incredibly sweet, and slightly tangy flavor that sets this mocktail apart. Its robust citrus taste is the perfect base for our tropical drink. If sumo citrus is out of season, feel free to use oranges or mandarins for a similar sweet-tart balance.
  • Pineapple Juice: Adds a tropical sweetness and acidity, complementing the citrus flavors beautifully.
  • All Natural Lemon Soda: Introduces the ideal amount of fizzy, enhancing the mocktail’s refreshing quality. I like brands like Ollipop as they have a fiber boost, making this drink not just tasty but healthier. However any fizzy, citrus-flavored soda will do, but opting for a natural or less sugary option can make your mocktail healthier.
  • All Natural Grenadine: Provides a rich, deep red hue that creates the stunning sunrise effect, along with a sweet, tart flavor.
  • Ice: Keeps the drink chilled and dilutes it slightly as it melts, ensuring every sip is perfectly balanced.
  • Sumo or Orange Slices for Garnish: Adds a touch of elegance and a hint of fresh citrus aroma, making your mocktail as delightful to look at as it is to drink.

Ingredients for Your Mocktail

  • Sumo Citrus Juice: The luscious, sweet profile of sumo citrus provides a unique twist to this mocktail, but if it’s not available, orange or mandarin juice can be excellent substitutes, offering their own delightful flavors.
  • Pineapple Juice: Adds a tropical flair and natural sweetness. If pineapple isn’t to your taste, mango juice could be a wonderful alternative, maintaining the tropical vibe.
  • All Natural Lemon Soda: Fizz adds excitement to any drink. If Ollipop’s lemon soda isn’t on hand, any fizzy water can be used, with a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime to retain that citrus spark.
  • Grenadine: Offers a beautiful color and a hint of sweetness. For a more homemade approach, pomegranate or cherry juice reduced with a bit of sugar can serve as a natural substitute.

What is Sumo Citrus?

Sumo citrus, a large, sweet, and easy-to-peel fruit, is known for its exceptional juiciness and unique flavor profile. It’s a hybrid citrus fruit that combines the best aspects of mandarins and oranges, making it an ideal choice for juicing.

Can I Use Other Citrus in This Recipe?

Absolutely! The beauty of this mocktail lies in its versatility. While sumo citrus offers a unique taste, oranges, mandarins, or even grapefruits can provide delightful variations to this drink, allowing you to experiment and find your favorite combination. You could try this recipe with any citrus you have on hand and I assure you it’s going to turn out deliciously.

Why You’ll Love This Mocktail

It’s arguably the best time of the day in a cup! What is not to love about this Sunrise Citrus Mocktail, it’s easy to make and even easier to drink. Its non-alcoholic nature makes it perfect for everyone to enjoy, from kids to adults, ensuring no one misses out on the fun. Plus, it’s packed with vitamins from the fresh juices, making it a healthy option for any time of the day. The Sunrise Citrus Mocktail is the epitome of a refreshing and vibrant drink, perfect for any occasion that calls for a toast without the alcohol. Moreover, this mocktail is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients, offering a healthy alternative to sugary sodas and drinks.

Picture of Meet Claire

Meet Claire

Welcome to Claire Bear Bites! Here is where we have the most amount of fun with food. I’m an silly, quirky Aussie living in LA, creating and loving bright, colorful, healthy and delicious plant based meals.

This deliciously colorful meals are a direct reflection of me and my love for experimenting. Food should make you happy, smile and make you do a weird lil happy dance cause it taste so dang good. Life can be stressful but your food doesn’t need to be! Let’s have fun and eat the rainbow!

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Sunrise Citrus Mocktail

This glowing non alcoholic version of a tequila sunrise is not only the EASIEST Mocktail you could create it’s a true flavor powerhouse! Starring the ultimate citrus powerhouse- sumo citrus, this Mocktail will sweep you away to a tropical island in one sip!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Course Beverage, Drinks, Mocktail
Cuisine Non-Alcoholic, Vegan
Servings 2


  • cups sumo citrus juice
  • 1 cup pineapple juice
  • ¼ cup all natural lemon soda I like ollipop
  • 4 tbsp all natural grenadine
  • ice
  • sumo or orange slices for garnish


  • Begin by gathering all your ingredients.
  • Juice your sumo citrus either with a hand juicer or blend and sieve.
  • Add ice to two glasses, then pour half the sumo citrus juice into each glass followed by the half of the pineapple juice, and lemon soda.
  • Lastly add two tbs of grenadine to each glass along with a slice of citrus for garnish and watch your sunrise emerge!!


** I opted for sumo citrus. If that’s not in season you can absolutely use oranges or mandarins also!
**if you can opt for an all natural lemon soda that’s the best! Ollipop have an amazing fiber rich lemon lime soda! If you can use that. I highly recommend!
Keyword dairy free, easy mocktail, gluten free, non alcoholic, refined sugar free, virgin tequila sunrise

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Picture of Meet Claire

Meet Claire

Welcome to Claire Bear Bites! Here is where we have the most amount of fun with food. I’m an silly, quirky Aussie living in LA, creating and loving bright, colorful, healthy and delicious plant based meals.

This deliciously colorful meals are a direct reflection of me and my love for experimenting. Food should make you happy, smile and make you do a weird lil happy dance cause it taste so dang good. Life can be stressful but your food doesn’t need to be! Let’s have fun and eat the rainbow!

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