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Soaked Citrus Salad

Vibrant soaked citrus salad bursting with tang, sweetness, and creamy avocado! Refreshing and delightful, it’s the zesty mood-lifter your day needs. Simple, raw, and oh-so-delicious. Ready to dig in?

Hey there, sunshine lovers! 🌞 When life gives me oranges (and grapefruits and blood oranges), I make the most dazzling, mood-lifting salad ever. Here’s presenting the “Soaked Citrus Salad”— an array of colors and flavors that dances right on your plate.

This isn’t just food; it’s pure happiness. And who knew happiness could taste this tangy, sweet, and utterly refreshing?

What you will need:

  • Blood Orange: The crown jewel of oranges! Not only are they a feast for the eyes with their deep red hue, but they also pack a punch when it comes to health. They’re a powerhouse of antioxidants that ward off those pesky free radicals. Plus, their sweetness complements the other citrus flavors so well!

  • Grapefruit: Hello, vitamin C! Grapefruits are not just about that zesty tang; they’re a health powerhouse. The slight bitterness adds a dimension to our salad, making each bite interesting.

  • Navel Orange: Juicy, sweet, and oh-so-refreshing! These oranges are like little drops of sunshine. If navels play hide and seek, grab some Valencia. They’re just as good.

  • Avocado: Now, this is where magic happens! The buttery texture of avocado adds a creamy contrast to the zesty citrus. And let’s not forget those fab nutrients and healthy fats that make our skin glow.

  • Fresh Basil: Basil is like the cherry on top! Its aromatic freshness ties all the flavors together, making every bite a harmonious melody.

Isn’t it just delightful when a dish looks as good as it tastes? This salad is a canvas of colors, and I bet the kiddos are going to love it too! It’s a sneaky way to make them enjoy their citrus and avocados. Plus, it’s an absolute winner when you want to impress at a BBQ or picnic. 

Here’s the best part: This salad isn’t just a treat for the taste buds; it’s also a treasure trove of nutrients. We’ve got vitamin C from the oranges and grapefruit, healthy fats from the avocado, and the wonderful aromatics from fresh basil. Every bite is a burst of health and flavor. Oh, and the dressing? It’s the silent star that binds everything together!

Dressing Prep

Whisk together olive oil, sherry vinegar, coconut sugar, fresh lemon juice, salt, and a hint of pepper in a large bowl. Feel the aroma!

Soaking Time

Slice your citrus fruits and let them luxuriate in the dressing for about 15 minutes. This is where the magic happens—each slice soaking up the flavors!


Once your citrus slices have had their fun, it’s time to plate up. Lay them beautifully, top with creamy avocado slices, and sprinkle with fresh basil.

Garnish and Serve

Those candy eyes and cacao nibs? Time to bring them out! Garnish your plate, take a moment to admire, and then enjoy your tangy, delicious masterpiece.

Whether you’re looking to jazz up your lunch, find the perfect side for your BBQ, or simply want a quick, nutritious snack, the “Soaked Citrus Salad” is your answer. It’s where health meets taste and creativity. The burst of citrus, the creaminess of avocado, and the zing of the dressing come together to create a melody that your taste buds will hum for days. So, the next time you’re in the mood for something fun, colorful, and bursting with flavors, you know what to make. Enjoy, my sunshines! 🌞🍊🥑🌿💛

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Meet Claire

Welcome to Claire Bear Bites! Here is where we have the most amount of fun with food. I’m an silly, quirky Aussie living in LA, creating and loving bright, colorful, healthy and delicious plant based meals.

This deliciously colorful meals are a direct reflection of me and my love for experimenting. Food should make you happy, smile and make you do a weird lil happy dance cause it taste so dang good. Life can be stressful but your food doesn’t need to be! Let’s have fun and eat the rainbow!

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Soaked Citrus Salad

This lil ray of sunshine in my life can't help but put you in a good mood! Food is happiness and so are YOU triple citrus pre soaked in a sweet as sunshine dressing and topped with AVO. This is my kinda burst of happiness. What's yours?
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Appetizer, lunch, Salad, Snack
Cuisine Summer, Vegan
Servings 2


Salad Ingredients

  • 1 blood orange
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 2 navel oranges
  • fresh basil
  • 1 avocado

Dressing Ingredients

  • 3 tbs extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbs sherry vinegar
  • 1 tsp coconut sugar
  • squeeze of lemon
  • salt to taste


  • Combine all dressing ingredients into a large bowl and whisk. Once combined.
  • Slice all citrus and lay in the bowl of dressing. Leave to soak for 15 mins, stirring and flipping the pieces every once in a while.
  • Once soaked. Arrange on your plate and top with AVO and fresh basil. Great as a side with a bbq or even just as a lil snacky snack! ENJOY!
Keyword dairy free, easy salad, fresh salad, gluten free, healthy snack, plant based, quick salad, vegan

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Picture of Meet Claire

Meet Claire

Welcome to Claire Bear Bites! Here is where we have the most amount of fun with food. I’m an silly, quirky Aussie living in LA, creating and loving bright, colorful, healthy and delicious plant based meals.

This deliciously colorful meals are a direct reflection of me and my love for experimenting. Food should make you happy, smile and make you do a weird lil happy dance cause it taste so dang good. Life can be stressful but your food doesn’t need to be! Let’s have fun and eat the rainbow!

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